Project Overview
ADS North Rift intervened in Turkana County through the assistance of Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (Protestant Agency for Diakonia and Development). The monthly County Drought Early Warning bulletins over the implementation period continued to indicate high temperatures hence worsening the drought situation. The average rainfall during the period accounted only for 27% of the expected / normal precipitation for the period. Hence, vegetation deteriorated significantly and the majority of sites remained water-stressed due to the drying up of over 90% of open water sources, the breakdown of boreholes, and the increased depth of traditional river wells.
By end of October 2022, all water pans, rock catchments, and seasonal rivers had dried up while the volume of water along the permanent river Turkwel had significantly reduced. The average distance to the water point increased to an average of 9.1 Km from the normal range of 5.9 km. Similarly, the waiting time at the water points increased to almost 2 hours.
There was a significant increase in the number of livestock deaths and this has the potential to trigger cattle rustling as a measure to restock.
Overall, the county remained in the Alarm phase in the previous months of 2022, but it deteriorated to Emergency Phase over the period. There need to address the acute humanitarian crisis due to the increased number of people in need of humanitarian aid continues. The intervention, therefore, targeted 1,200 vulnerable households for 3 months of unconditional cash transfer as well as support for early recovery in Lokichar and Katilu wards, Turkana South.
- Quality of life improved as a result of enhanced access to food.
- Enhanced participation of ADS at county level including membership in the county CSG and Disaster Response platforms
- 33 (83%) of the targeted stakeholders participated in stakeholder engagement on project implementation.
- Visibility materials were distributed to 77 participants.
- 153 (77%) of target project participants and staff were sensitized on compliant handling mechanism and avenues
- 25 (83%) targeted ADS staff, local leaders and relief committees were trained on CHS.
- To ensure recovery and enhanced access to food, the project distributed assorted varieties of drought resistant/tolerant food crops as well as trainings on good agronomic practices to 1,500 affected households.
- The project disbursed unconditional cash transfer to 1,500 (100%) households. This is aimed at enhancing their purchasing power and ability to make choices for their felt needs.
- 1,500 households
- PDM conducted in collaboration with NDMA Turkana team
ADS - North Rift Projects
All our projects are undertaken based on the greatest need for poverty alleviation as informed by socio-economic indicators, always with the disposition of love and respect for God and His people.
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