ADS North Rift

Sunflower Production for Improved Income

Project Donor
Project Period
Area(s) of Implementation
Kenya Community Development Fund (KCDF) & Partners Worldwide
Aug 2023 - March 2025
Trans Nzoia and West Pokot Counties
The main goal of the sunflower value chain project is to create a sustainable agricultural system that generates income for 320 farmers and supporting local economic development.

Project Overview

The project aims to: Increase sunflower productivity, improve access to markets, leading to increased incomes for farmers, increase financial inclusion of farmers through access to credit and other financial services, add value to sunflower by producing oil and animal feed, creating new market opportunities for farmers. The SPIP is a 12-months sunflower value chain project in Trans Nzoia and West Pokot Counties Kenya, aimed at improving the productivity and income of small-scale farmers. The project entails training farmers in best agricultural practices, providing input support, connecting farmers to markets, and adding value to sunflower by producing oil and animal feed.

OBJECTIVE: To increase the income of the target 320 HHs in Trans Nzoia and West Pokot Counties by August 2024.


ADS - North Rift Projects

All our projects are undertaken based on the greatest need for poverty alleviation as informed by socio-economic indicators, always with the disposition of love and respect for God and His people.


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