Project Overview
The EAA project was supported by STARTFUND through ChristianAid while the AHA was supported by Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe. With regards to the 2022 General Elections period, and especially during the by-elections across the country before the election, incidences of inter-communal conflict and displacement, were observed in many parts (Marsabit, Baringo, Wajir, and Isiolo amongst others). Whilst the priority was to support peace-building and prevention efforts, previous outbreaks of violence have demonstrated the importance of planning for potential humanitarian response activities.
Based on the above and Uasin Gishu County being identified as one of the hot spot areas, there was potential for humanitarian consequences requiring a response from ADS North Rift and other partners in the run-up to the election and the post-election period. As such, ADS North Rift through the projects implemented preventive measures to prepare for the anticipated impact that these events could have on the humanitarian situation before, during, and after the elections.
The interventions therefore aimed at providing e an opportunity for ADS-NRR to work on mitigation, preparedness and response, including prepositioning of critical Food items (FIs) and Non-Food Items (NFI) meant to reduce some of the adverse effects of the violence if it occurred, 1,000 vulnerable people were targeted to be supported.
We achieved the following during this time:
- Assorted IEC materials were developed (Banners-6, Reflector Jackets-100, Baseball caps-25)
- Assorted IEC materials were developed (Banners-6, Reflector Jackets-100, Baseball caps-25)
- 10 peace committees trained comprising of community and religious leaders within Uasin-Gishu County
- 4,000 assorted IEC materials/flyers on SGBV developed and disseminated.
- SGBV pathways mapped for possible referral and management of incidences
- 20 volunteers trained to provide psycho-social support to the affected population.
- 20 volunteers trained to provide psycho-social support to the affected population.
- 20 peace monitors were trained from local peace building structures and placed on high alert.
- Vulnerable groups were selected after the election to receive the food and non-food items through established committees
- 500 vulnerable households supported with FIs and NFIs
- Peace monitoring was done continually through the project period to inform subsequent plans
ADS - North Rift Projects
All our projects are undertaken based on the greatest need for poverty alleviation as informed by socio-economic indicators, always with the disposition of love and respect for God and His people.
Do you have a question or feedback about this project? Talk to us today.