DROUGHT RESPONSE Kerk In Actie (KIA) - Turkana County

Project Overview
The intervention was supported by Kerk In Actie (KIA) through ADS Kenya and aimed at mitigating the negative effects of the prolonged drought. The activities included supporting vulnerable households with drought-resistant seeds, restocking the goats, rehabilitation of shallow wells, and training of the water management committee and the community using the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) approach.
The project targeted 500 vulnerable households in Kaputir and Lobokat wards in Turkana South.
- During the reporting period, 500HHs (100%) of the targeted households were trained on GAPs. Target households enhanced food production through adoption of climate resilient practices
- 500HH (100%) of target project beneficiaries received seeds before the long rains. Assorted seeds distributed included cereals (green grams, sorghum) and vegetables (kales, tomatoes, spinach and cowpeas)
- 138 households benefited with one goat each. This was a redistribution of the stock depleted by the adverse effects of prolonged drought
- The trainings on livelihood diversification continued. Target beneficiaries’ capacity to establish and manage diversified enterprises enhanced.
- 100% of targeted HHs had increased food access as a result of adoption of drought resistant early maturing crops
- 10 shallow wells were assessed and rehabilitated. The facilities are functioning well apart from one that has dried up due to prolonged drought.
- 10 water user committees formed and trained (20 members each). A total of 150 (75%) committee members (F-57, M-93) representing PWLD (10), schools (10), health facilities (10) and ex-officios (include chiefs, assistant chiefs, village administrators, opinion leaders and religious leaders (40)
- CLTS pieces of training to be conducted after training of water committee members
- 100% of the target households were sensitized on Covid-19.
- 500 HHs reached with Covid-19 prevention messages through integration in all project activities in Turkana South.
ADS - North Rift Projects
All our projects are undertaken based on the greatest need for poverty alleviation as informed by socio-economic indicators, always with the disposition of love and respect for God and His people.
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