DRA DROUGHT RESPONSE (July-December 2022) Tear Fund Netherlands- Turkana County

Project Overview

The Kenya Joint Response Project in Turkana County, Turkana South Sub-County was implemented between July and December 2022 supported by Tearfund Netherlands through Worldenew. The focus of the project was to provide for 1200 most vulnerable households with 5 cycles of food items distribution to meet their basic food needs. The same households were also supported with certified planting seeds and animal feeds to build their resilience. In the three ward Lobokat, Lokichar and Kaputir, the project identified three distribution centers Kakong’u, Kaputir and Lochwaangimatak.


ADS - North Rift Projects

All our projects are undertaken based on the greatest need for poverty alleviation as informed by socio-economic indicators, always with the disposition of love and respect for God and His people.


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