A Job Creation and Skills Development for Unemployed Youth in Kenya implemented in Nyandarua, Nakuru and West Pokot. ADS NRR implemented the project in West Pokot county.

Project Overview

The Ajira Poa! project is an innovative blend of activities from all three-mixing bowls: stimulation of demand (jobs), enrichment of supply (skills), and a foundation of guidance from a range of public and private sector actors to help young Kenyans navigate the treacherous waters of the world of work and guide them toward a path that makes sense for their own personal journey.

Ajira Poa! Is designed to be a sustainable model for youth employment/self-employment through the provision of career counselling and various life skills reinforced by an integrated digital blended learning platform and supported by labour-market specific, public, and private sector initiatives to help youth become more employable through the attainment of relevant skills.

OBJECTIVE: To increase the number of Kenyan youths who are gainfully employed or self-employed through a replicable, self-sustainable job and skills development model.


ADS - North Rift Projects

All our projects are undertaken based on the greatest need for poverty alleviation as informed by socio-economic indicators, always with the disposition of love and respect for God and His people.


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