Farmers’ Field Day at ADS NRR Cheptany Breeding and Demonstration Center in West Pokot County.

Building community resilience and exploring solutions to adverse climate change-related challenges in the North counties remains a major focus for ADS North Rift. In its quest to realize this, the organization continues to repurpose its interventions in order to find appropriate technologies that would enhance food production and mitigate food insecurity. This week in collaboration with the County Government of West Pokot and supported by Dan Church Aid (DCA), ADS North Rift held a Farmers’ Field Day at it’s Cheptany Breeding and Demonstration Center located in Pokot North/ Kacheliba Sub-County, West Pokot County. During the field day various technologies were showcased to more 400 attendees as well as practical demonstration session by the county ministry staff. It hoped that the successful lessons will be upscaled, adopted and replicated for the benefit of all.
