West Pokot Deputy Governor H.E. Robert Komolle Meeting with (ADS) North Rift & Dan Church Aid

The Deputy Governor of West Pokot H.E. Robert Komolle has this morning met a team from Anglican Development Services (ADS) North Rift led by ADS Executive Director Peter Nyorsok and Milcah Chege from Dan Church Aid to discuss areas of common interest and develop synergies.
ADS, which is funded by Dan Church Aid among other donors, seeks to promote food security by supporting and building the capacity of small-holder farmers and pastoralists with interventions aimed at increasing the production of crops and livestock, as well as building resilience among vulnerable communities in West Pokot, Turkana, Elgeyo-Marakwet, Nandi, Trans- Nzoia and Uasin- Gishu counties.
H.E. Komolle applauded ADS for its contribution towards resilient communities, pointing out that the county will continue to support its efforts. He emphasized the need to align and harmonize programs with the county CIDP for the effective implementation of plans.
He further urged partners to consult and engage the county government and stakeholders to ensure effective budgetary planning and prioritizing of development projects.